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A New and Cuddly Way to Carry Around God's Word

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"I put this on for the first time on my way to work and when I arrived, I seriously felt like I had been treated with a massage. I PHYSICALLY felt the peace. This CD is not just for little ones!"


"For the past several months, I have been bombarded with thoughts of suicide. Last night, yet again, this music was my lifeline. So often, it’s the only thing that brings me peace and pulls me through. I can’t thank you enough."


"I’m a busy, middle-aged professional who was stopped in my tracks by “Be Still and Know.” The Lord couldn’t have spoken more clearly to me through that song than if he’d hit me with a baseball bat. Your songs are like a prayer and the Lord literally restores my physically when I hear your soothing music and voices."


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When your soul feels unsettled and you are anxious about the future, let the following verses and songs remind you of God’s constant presence and unfailing strength.

The purest form of love can only be defined by God. Studying God’s love allows us to become more aware of its depth and beauty.

The One who wired our brains with incredible capacity can do far more than our minds can comprehend. But how can we experience those supernatural results in our lives? We can carefully inspect the promise of Ephesians 3:20 and discover how to pray in line with this powerful verse.

Peace Indescribable

Enter your email and get access to this FREE three-day devotional!

• 5 songs including 2 NEW piano songs from Scripture Lullabies

• 3 devotionals inspired by peace found in God’s Word

• 3 coloring pages from "Life Beautiful"

This Pack includes:

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*PLEASE NOTE: Coupon code THANKFUL30 can be used at www.Scripture-Lullabies.com to receive 30% off all music and music bundles purchased through December 11, 2020, and may not be combined with any other promotional offer.