Bible Study
Gratitude is not a feeling but a practice and discipline. We can work in cooperation with God to build habits for growing in gratitude.
Just as Jesus’ words subdued the waves and wind, God’s words can calm our inner storms. As we meditate on Scripture, we can experience freedom from fear and find peace in God’s presence.
Jesus’ promise of an abundant life is not too good to be true. In fact, it is the epitome of truth, and we can experience the reality of His abundant life as we draw nearer to Him.
In autumn, a tree’s green leaves give way to golden yellow or fiery orange hues. The landscape is a portrait of change. Yet, the tree does not reveal a new complexion but instead displays its true colors. A tree breaks down chlorophyll, the green pigment in its leaves, leaving what has always been present yet masked: its yellow and orange pigments. Similarly, as God guides us through life’s changing seasons, our true identity as children of God is displayed. It’s easy to feel out of control as conditions around us change. But like a tree following time’s tempo, we can embrace change and allow it to bring out what is true of us in Christ.
God often uses the very thing we would rather wish away to bring unmatched beauty to our character. He gave us a beautiful image of this process when He designed pearls in the ocean…
What might it look like to courageously pursue the longings of our hearts while not succumbing to discontent?
When we source our strength from God, whose capacity is endless, we can enjoy living in God’s power no matter what we face.
We can point our kids to the original definition of love, which is God Himself. 1 John 4:8 says, “…God is love.”
God’s presence and peace can arrest anxiety and disarm doubt. Here are 12 verses along with songs and prayers to take you from fear to freedom.