powerfully peaceful music for every age


Peaceful Mind

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3 Scriptures and Songs for When Your Child is Afraid of the Dark

When your child is afraid of the dark, here are three Scriptures and songs to comfort them with God’s Word.

Peaceful Mind

Finding Rest in Jesus this Advent Season

Many of us grow up with different images in our minds of the first Christmas. We might picture a starry night, a tumbledown stable, and a tiny infant wrapped in swaddling clothes. But beyond the starry hosts of heaven, we also encounter a multitude of promises Christ came to fulfill, including His promise to us […]

Peaceful Mind

A Peace-filled Gift Guide

Give your loved ones the indescribable peace of God this season! “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27 Peace Packs Each of our four Peace Packs features a […]

Bible Study

What is the Joy of the Lord, and How Does it Strengthen Us?

Hardships can drain our delight and erode our endurance. Yet God addresses both our joy and strength. Further, He links them together…

Peaceful Mind

Is God Sovereign Over Our Suffering?

Hardships compound, and we can barely catch our breath before another wave of difficulty crashes over us. Is God sovereign over our suffering?


A Promise for Our Children in Uncertain Times: God is Here. God is Good. God is for Us.

Our intuition as parents is to protect and provide for our children. But how do we keep our children safe and care for their needs in uncertain times?

Bible Study

Living With Biblical Optimism

How we view our circumstances drastically affects how we live. When it comes to perspective, we often think about optimism and pessimism and how each impacts our disposition, attitudes, and actions. But what does God’s Word say about optimism? Living With Biblical Optimism Dictionary.com defines optimism as: “the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil […]

Bible Study

The Power and Practice of God’s New Morning Mercies

  We are constantly striving to have enough. We hope our coffee is enough for the day before us. We finagle our money to be enough for the month. We hope our vacation will be restful enough. We need enough patience for our children. This desire for enough feels like a very subjective pursuit. Needs […]

Bible Study

4 Ways to Begin the New Year With Rest and Contentment

  Many times, at the threshold of a new year, we’re thinking about what we want. The things we wish to accomplish and acquire are at the forefront of our minds. Yet what if at the center of these desires, as if acting as an axis, was the concept of contentment? Gratitude for what we […]

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*PLEASE NOTE: Coupon code THANKFUL30 can be used at www.Scripture-Lullabies.com to receive 30% off all music and music bundles purchased through December 11, 2020, and may not be combined with any other promotional offer.