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Peaceful Mind

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Bible Study

Reflections of a Perfect Love

A Brilliant Reflection If you have ever looked out on a newly frozen and undisturbed lake, you’ve witnessed a reflection so pure it’s nearly an illusion. We tend to see these brilliant surfaces in smaller water bodies, where there is less interruption to the process. What a beautiful image this is when we consider how […]

Bible Study

As the Kindness of God Appears

  There is a pivotal point consistently found throughout Scripture. We discover a contrast of what we once were, and who we now are. The hinge in the middle is Christ. In every scenario, and in any circumstance, He is the difference maker. We find exactly this sort of situation in Titus chapter 3. Verse […]

Bible Study

In a Season of Distancing, We Have a God Who Draws Near

  It is difficult to escape the discouragement of this unique holiday season. Many are grieving get-togethers that simply cannot take place. It goes against our human nature — us being created in the image of a relational God — to not gather with our loved ones. While we hope and pray ways are made […]

Bible Study

May Advent Focus Our Hearts on the Three Ways Jesus Delivers Us

  Perhaps you, like so many, feel the hard-pressed nature of focusing on Advent this Christmas season. Events of this year have caused a refraction of attention — redirecting our thoughts to immediate, pressing circumstances. We find it difficult to be still and think back on the manger scene. It is a challenge to slow […]

Peaceful Mind

The Practice of a Grateful Life

  Thanksgiving acts as a dog-ear between the bookends of a year. A page bent over to signal a pause — wait here, linger, give thanks. Each year as the weather brings a chill, the trees outside cling to final, drooping leaves, and holiday music begins filling the supermarkets, there is a change inside of […]

Peaceful Mind

Longing for Wholeness in a Broken World

Longing for wholeness in a broken world

  On every side we are bombarded with reminders of the broken world we live in. We walk through our days longing for assurance, desperate to know we are secure, safe, and that no evil or tragedy will strike. Yet that is not the world we live in. And as we grapple with this existence, […]

Peaceful Mind

God’s Surprising Solution to Fear

Bird on branch

  Fear has a personal way about it. It wraps itself around us, entwining with our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs — distorting what we know to be true. It encroaches on our identities. Before we are aware of it, fear has so permeated our lives to a point where it feels as though it has […]

Bible Study

Discovering Contentment as We Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus

Wheat field and tree

  Most of the time when we think of the antonym of contentment, the word discontentment comes to mind. Yet if we take the time to unpack the concept of discontentment, we discover more precise examples. We find what truly erodes our contentment: envy, pride, entitlement, selfishness, disappointment, and especially relevant in today’s society — […]

Peaceful Mind

A Miracle in the Pew of a Netherlands’ Church

  For one year, she found herself stuck in a refrain of three words. “No,” “Yes,” and “Corrie,” was all Cornelia Ten Boom could say after suffering a stroke. For two months she lay in a coma, until she slowly resurfaced, aware but paralyzed. Her third word, “Corrie,” was the name of one of her […]

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