Peaceful Mind
Fear has a personal way about it. It wraps itself around us, entwining with our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs — distorting what we know to be true. It encroaches on our identities. Before we are aware of it, fear has so permeated our lives to a point where it feels as though it has […]
Most of the time when we think of the antonym of contentment, the word discontentment comes to mind. Yet if we take the time to unpack the concept of discontentment, we discover more precise examples. We find what truly erodes our contentment: envy, pride, entitlement, selfishness, disappointment, and especially relevant in today’s society — […]
For one year, she found herself stuck in a refrain of three words. “No,” “Yes,” and “Corrie,” was all Cornelia Ten Boom could say after suffering a stroke. For two months she lay in a coma, until she slowly resurfaced, aware but paralyzed. Her third word, “Corrie,” was the name of one of her […]
On January 23, 1960, oceanographers Don Walsh and Jacques Piccard ventured to the deepest part of the sea, known as the Challenger Deep at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The Challenger Deep lies an astonishing 36,000 feet beneath the surface of the ocean. In comparison, Mount Everest stretches 29,029 feet above sea level. […]
There are certain seasons of our lives when it can feel like God is not listening. We can picture this barrier, a fortress built by the sorrows of life or our own doubting hearts — a wall off which our prayers seem to bounce. God can feel terribly far away. When we are deep […]
My parents, John and Linda Stocker, ministered for over 50 years and pastored the same church, Resurrection Fellowship, for 32 years. At one point, their church was listed as the fastest-growing church in America by Christianity Today. So, like the insurance commercials you’ve seen, “they know a thing or two because they’ve seen a […]
So much found between the pages of Scripture is without measure — an unearthly rule beyond our grasp. A Savior’s unbound love that bound Him to a cross. Patience without wane. Grace, also, far beyond our own measure. There is no place we can wander that His grace will not go. There is no […]
Motherhood is a beautiful, sanctifying, and challenging journey. Along the way and with every unexpected turn, none of us is immune to fear or anxiety. When anxiety does enter in, it can be hard to breathe, let alone place one foot in front of the other and take care of the children God has […]
Press Play and Stream Scripture Lullabies Every Morning King David set the example in Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.” And yet, with thoughts of yesterday holding us back, questions of today pressing in, and fears […]