The One who wired our brains with incredible capacity can do far more than our minds can comprehend. But how can we experience those supernatural results in our lives? We can carefully inspect the promise of Ephesians 3:20 and discover how to pray in line with this powerful verse.
By stepping back into creation’s rhythms, we can hone habits of intimacy with our Creator. Here are three Scriptures to pray at sunrise…
Where we live and raise our families is a sacred space. We can experience God’s presence and watch Him actively at work by praying Scripture over our homes.
Enjoy a Peaceful Evening Listening to Scripture Lullabies God created us for rest. All throughout Scripture we can see this theme. It is an invitation to regularly return to His respite and restoration. From the very first day of the very first human, God created a pattern of rest. While God rested on the seventh […]
Each of us has different thoughts and feelings as we approach an election. At times, it is hard to discern the information we’re being fed, and it’s difficult to sift through facts, opinions, and agendas. But one thing is for certain: our ultimate leader — our almighty God — is still in control, and […]
While all of us have had different thoughts, feelings, responses, and reactions to events this year, there is something universal among parents and caregivers this fall: the kids we love are heading into an uncertain school year. There is also a shared desire in our hearts to see our children thrive spiritually, physically, and […]
Experience God’s Peace With Scripture Lullabies Anxiety creates more anxiety. It is a vicious cycle that is difficult to break. Sometimes, as we watch our child struggling with overwhelming fears, we notice a heavy burden creeping over us, one holding notes of our own anxious thoughts. It’s easy to feel like a helpless bystander. We […]
Confidence can be a fickle thing, swaying on the pendulum of life’s circumstances. If we are not careful, discouragement and disappointments can chisel away at our confidence in God’s promises. Perhaps, many times, we don’t realize it is happening. When a dream dissolves before it’s ever realized, or a job is lost, the budget […]
Press Play and Stream Scripture Lullabies Every Morning King David set the example in Psalm 5:3, “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.” And yet, with thoughts of yesterday holding us back, questions of today pressing in, and fears […]