My husband and I had tucked our son into bed hours ago. We sat with family and friends in the adjacent room, visiting over Thanksgiving leftovers and pie. Then his scream pierced through our conversation. This was only the beginning of my son’s night terrors. Over the next two years, this scene would repeat itself, rushing us to his bedside in the midnight hours. Early in my parenting journey, with my son’s nightmares punctuating our nights, I knew we needed to hide the living and active Word of God in his heart.
This, too, was the solution Jay Stocker, founder and composer of Scripture Lullabies, arrived at. Growing up under the weight of recurring nightmares, Jay held to the teaching of his parents to memorize God’s Word. This led Jay to create lullabies inspired by God’s Word for children and adults dealing with nightmares or anxiety. Only God’s truth has the power to bring darkness to light and conquer fears. Here are 4 ways Scripture music can deliver our children from nightmares …
You can also download their “No More Nightmares” Scripture list here, and follow our “No More Nightmares With Scripture Lullabies” playlist on Spotify!