When a woman walks into a pregnancy resource center, it’s likely she is facing the scariest, most stressful, and confusing time of her life. We heard a story of a woman facing exactly that. After taking that brave step, she received one of our “Hidden In My Heart” CDs as a gift. She credits God’s Word speaking to her through the music for her decision to keep her child. God’s Word truly is powerful to save!
Before we released our very first “Hidden In My Heart” album in 2009, we had a vision of giving back in a way that would bring our music to those in difficult circumstances. We believe God divinely inspired us, by laying it heavily on our hearts, to partner with pregnancy resource centers to bring the Word of God and His peace to mothers and babies. We’ve been blessed over the past ten years to donate CDs to Pregnancy Resource Centers around the nation.
It has been a huge blessing to us over the years to tour these centers and hear the stories of lives impacted. One director held up the CD when we gave it to her and told us, “This is so awesome because it’s such an amazing tool for us to use, and we know it will have such an impact both for mommy and baby.” The center directors hold such passion in their hearts for these women, children, and families, and to get to play a part in that is a gift to us.
Our music provides reprieve from impossible circumstances; it is the peace “far beyond what we can understand,” that we are promised in Philippians 4:7. These songs are delivering that promise straight to the hearts of moms and babies. Through the Word of God, they soak in promises like this one:
“Don’t you worry about anything
Instead pray about everything
Tell God what you need
And thank Him for all He has done
And the peace of God
Far beyond what we can understand
Will guard your heart
And your mind in Christ Jesus”
Listen to: “The Peace Of God” from “Hidden In My Heart, Volume I”
Everything we do at Scripture Lullabies is driven by our passion to bring the Word of God into more hearts and homes. It’s an incredible feeling to know God has used our music to comfort and guide thousands of young women through the most difficult time of their lives, and to bring such beauty from those hardships.
If you would like to request a donation of CDs for your Pregnancy Resource Center, please contact us at info@scripture-lullabies.com