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When God's Word takes root in a heart, it changes everything. This journal is a continuation of our music, bringing God's Word to life, applying it to our everyday lives, and communicating his peace to every heart.

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Bible Study

Why Good Friday Would Be Incomplete Without Resurrection Sunday

Our penalty for sin was paid on Calvary Hill, but that wasn’t the end of the story. When Jesus rose from the dead three days later, eternity shifted. Because Christ rose, our lives are powerfully changed.

Bible Study

Three Characteristics of God’s Indescribable Peace

God’s peace reflects His brilliant glory and makes any notions of this world’s peace pale in comparison. Here are three characteristics of God’s indescribable peace.

Bible Study

What Does It Mean That Christ Is Our Cornerstone?

Like a cornerstone upholding a building, Jesus is before all things, and in Him, everything holds together — including our lives.

Bible Study

God Delights In You

Experience God’s Promises With The Hidden In My Heart Scripture Music Collection In a society preoccupied with competition and comparison,  it’s difficult to remember our inherent value. Yet our worth doesn’t swing on the pendulum of success. Instead, we are made in God’s image and bought by Christ’s blood. Our identity is rooted in God […]


5 Songs and Scriptures for the NICU

The Power of Scripture Music in the NICU A family’s first days with a new baby should be filled with precious interactions and memories. However, for families in the NICU, this time is also marked by heartbreaking challenges. Yet studies are showing that an intentional introduction of music in the NICU can help in powerful […]

Bible Study

What Did God Mean When He Said, “I Am Doing a New Thing”?

Memorize God’s Great Promises With The Hidden In My Heart Scripture Music Collection What Did God Mean When He Said, “Behold, I Am Doing a New Thing”? Has there been a time in life when you experienced a fresh start? Perhaps you are longing for one now. When we’re overwhelmed by ongoing battles or discouraged […]

Peaceful Mind

What Does “Immanuel, God With Us” Mean?

What Does “Immanuel, God With Us” Mean? We might be tempted to view God’s presence as fickle or fleeting, perhaps tied to our actions or behaviors. And yet Scripture makes it plain that God’s presence is far more steadfast than we can fathom. From before time began, He desired to be near to us.  Perhaps […]

Bible Study

How Does Jesus’ Greatness Impact Our Lives? – A Hebrews Study

It’s easy to say that Jesus is great. But how often do our lives reflect this knowledge? Does an awareness of His supremacy run deeper than our intellect to permeate our souls and direct our behaviors? How can His greatness impact our lives? Memorize God’s Great Promises With The Hidden In My Heart Scripture Music […]

Bible Study

4 Scriptures and Songs to Fill Your Heart With Thanksgiving

Our regular disposition is not always one of thanksgiving. Remembering gratitude can be challenging when we’re up against everyday struggles and hardships or simply busy getting things done. Raising our heads above the frenzy and practicing intentional thanksgiving does not come naturally. Yet, as we anchor our gratefulness in God’s Word and Scripture music, we […]

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*PLEASE NOTE: Coupon code THANKFUL30 can be used at www.Scripture-Lullabies.com to receive 30% off all music and music bundles purchased through December 11, 2020, and may not be combined with any other promotional offer.